Friday Letters | Edition 186

February 23, 2024
Friday Letters | Edition 186

Friends, I haven’t written for the last two Fridays as my dad entered into hospice care at the end of January. He passed away peacefully at home this Wednesday evening, the 21st of February. It was an extraordinary last few days spent with family. It was clear that this made his departure both gentle and graceful. A few days before, feeling the weight of what I knew was coming, I wrote these words that I would like to share with you today.


February 19th, 2024  11:56pm


A heavy curtain lowers


On a life once called you


Midnight stars seep in


Filling the shortness of breath, taught muscles, curled up in a bed not your own


Expanding into the space


Taking your breath, leaving the body


Remnants of a life


We were lucky to experience as you



I’ll miss you, dad


Until next Friday!

Be well, breathe, read, and make some art!



About the author

Jennifer Davey

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